School and work has taken over my life. I'm not complaining. I love the go-go-go, but I really didn't think I'd have negative free time.
I didn't know negative time was actually possible. Nursing school teaches you all sorts of interesting things.
Just finishing up term 3 of 5. Two more weeks of clinical and 2 final exams and I'm on break for a lovely 10 days. You won't find me by the pool, you'll find me at work. More on work to come.
I promise... really =o)
The short run down on what I'm doing:
Clinical this term is at a LTC facility in Hood River, OR. Not really a big fan of the placement, but very thankful for the oppurtunities I've gotten there. There is an amazing wound nurse that comes through and has been kind enough to teach me great things. I've spent a day at a dialysis unit, a day in the local emergency room with a patient and will be in the hospital lab next week. Next term's placement is at a local skilled facility, I will not miss the hour and a half drive to Hood River three times a week. My first clinical location was at a local facility that was amazing. So amazing in fact that I now work there. I love my staff and my patients, it has been wonderful and trying all at the same time. Since our time there as students to my time there now as an employee twelve people have passed away, the part of nursing that kinda sucks.
We moved! Hoping to give up the nomadic lifestyle and stay in one place for a while... we shall see.
I promise to make a go at continually updating my blog, for now I'm off to bed... clinical in the am!
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