HR Forum: Friday HR Humor - HIPAA/HIPPA: "Friday, March 28, 2008
Friday HR Humor - HIPAA/HIPPA
HIPAA - One of the most misspelled acronyms in the HR vocabulary.
What it stands for (if you don’t know already): Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.
HIPAA or HIPPA? You say tomato, I say tomahto? Potato, potahto?
Instead of calling the whole thing off, here’s some ideas for what HIPPA could stand for:
For bureaucrats:
Help in Paper Proliferation Acceleration
Help Incompetents Push Paper Around
For cautious optimists:
Hopefully Inclusive Patient Protection Act
For realists:
Hopelessly Incomplete Patient Protection Act
For health care big business:
Healthy Individuals Push Profits Away
For the rest of us:
Hospitals Inspire Patently Pitiful Appetites
How is Paperwork Protecting Anybody
Hell’s Infernal Paperwork Proliferation Act
How Intelligent People Prevaricate Administratively
Posted by The G.Neil blog team at 12:09 PM"
Thanks G. Neil for the smile.
We took a whole day (that we really couldn't spare) to go over HIPAA in class. And still it goes back and forth HIPPA or HIPAA? I like "How is Paperwork Protecting Anybody" =o)
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