There is now an echo in my apartment. All the big furniture is out and in the storage unit. What's left behind are a few dressers from Ikea, a desk and chair and some living room items that are all listed on Craigslist. Some guy is supposed to be coming for the dressers. I don't hold my breath for Craigslist though. People are flakey. Well, not all people. I had three amazing people really come through for me today. I thought I had all this time to move out of my place, two weeks seemed like all this extra time compared to the 72 hours that was to be listed in my lease agreement. Right next to my pet addendum, behind the move in/out form that I swore I'd get to eventually. I'm good at a lot of things. I am GREAT at procrastinating. It is not that I'm putting things off because I'm unmotivated or don't care. I really do, I just always think that there will be more time. Time to see him before he passes away, time to go back to school, time to patch up an old friendship. I have so much going on today, that could wait until tomorrow right? So my move in paperwork was never done. I didn't worry about packing right away because 2 weeks was plenty of time and Hood to Coast was last weekend. But then I started picking up shifts at work. Week one went by in a flash of relays and getting boys off to the desert. Week two was lost to extra shifts for the Pool. Wow, I really should have packed a bit each day.
No one besides my boyfriend saw my apartment before it was all in boxes in the back of a truck. I never put art on the walls, I even had a couple of boxes still packed up. Imagine my surprise when I realized that those boxes were still packed up from my move from Tucson over a year ago. I always thought I would have people over once it was "perfect". everything perfectly in a place in the cupboards, the right color painted in the bathroom and when I finally found the perfect screen to divide my big room upstairs into a bedroom and an office. Every weekend I said that this was it, the weekend I hang my art. And then I load the box of prints into the truck and move them again. Rather than moving them to storage this time, I moved them to my boyfriend's place. My art is going on his walls. I had planned on having that done before he got home from his vacation tomorrow, but I planned on a lot of things this week, few of which happened.
I will get things organized at my boyfriend's before he gets back from vacation. I don't want him to walk in after a week and just see boxes everywhere. I might be moving again really fast if I tried that.
Oh! And my new favorite daily tidbit, Natalie Dee. She makes me smile.
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